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Energy Efficiency - Saving Money and the Planet

Advanced Energy Efficiency: What you're missing to save money long-term

Becoming more energy efficient not only saves you money, but it can also benefit your business’s working environment and enhance your corporate reputation. EnergyEfficiency is beneficial for a number of reasons, but in terms of running a business, it is perhaps motivated mostly by the impact it has on an organization’s bottom line. And though it has positive knock-on effects towards the environment as well as your business’ reputation, reducing energy waste will lower your energy spend and carbon emissions, saving you money in the long term. These solutions guarantee energy costs reduction for your company:

1. Photovoltaic Solar Electric Central Solutions
A power system arranged by several components that monitors the achievement of environmental and economic objectives of any company of client from any place and also monitor consumption data and CO2 emissions in real-time.

2. Smart Water Management
The activity of planning, developing, distributing and managing the use of water resources using an array of IoT technologies which are designed to increase transparency, and make more reasonable and sustainable usage of these water resources.

3. Smart Lighting
Smart Lights reduce energy consumption by automating their use based on room occupancy and through the implementation of special LEDs and bulbs. With smart lighting you can track lighting systems with digital assistants to understand when and where lighting is being used and how much is being consumed.

4. Power Scope: Energy Management System
Our Transom solution allows you to identify the energy consumption of system components and equipment, which delivers a transparent overview of your energy flows and waste, harboring potential energy savings. EnergyEfficiency is an important tendency in our current world in benefit of our businesses, homes, and planet. Implementing the technology that’ll help turn your company into a sustainable and energy-saving building isn’t complicated.

Looking to create a more energy-friendly environment? We are your energy partner! Contact us


Transom is an industry 4.0 company that provides specialized integration services in monitoring, data acquisition, and visualization & management of BMS, DCIM, and EMS systems, with +25 years of experience with top-tier companies.

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